An enigma and a pacesetter: Happy 70th Birthday, Dr Adenuga

By Abimbola Odeyemi

Andrew Carnegie, the Scottish- American industrialist and philanthropist who lived between 1835 and 1919 once said “Wealth is not to feed our egos, but to feed the needy and help people themselves”.

This famous saying is very apt and comes to mind when discussing about the enigma called Dr. Mike Adenuga, the Nigerian billionaire businessman and philanthropist.

Dr. Adenuga has no doubt distinguished himself as a philanthropist that one cannot but remember him and how he has help, developed and assisted so many Nigerians over the years.

As he celebrates his 70th birthday on April, 29, 2023, the only thing that comes to mind is “God bless you and keep you for many more years in good health for your service to humanity”.

Adenuga deserves to be celebrated. He is a Nigerian to the core. His businesses are all Nigerian- centered, where he employed millions who are all living well through his benevolence.

He is clairvoyant and a fast thinker. No wonder he became a millionaire at 26 and proceeded to become a billionaire in his thirties.

He kicked off with first and second degrees from reputable American Universities which prepared him sufficiently for the battle ahead and he prepared himself as well. He was determined and totally focused, hence his achievements at early age which lend credence to the fact that a man with big ambition and determination will always crush the obstacles. Dr, Adenuga moved in, surmount all the hurdles and became victorious.

Globacom the Nigeria telecoms giant joined his business group at the age of 50 and since then he became a global player, with businesses across the world. One of the hallmark of Dr, Adenuga is discipline. His businesses were administered with utmost efficiency that saw each of them becoming success stories over a very short period of time.

He entered Nigeria telecommunications industry powerfully in 2001. Then when the Obasanjo’s Government offered GSM licences bid to businesses. He bided for a licence but lost out but being a determined person, he refused to back out, his company, ICL lost $20m the first time but he returned back powerfully and was rewarded with bigger package, which is now Globacom, the only indigenous GSM Company which he has nurtured to the peak of telecomm industry in Nigeria in the last 20 years.

Since 2003 when Globacom rolled out services with a vision to be the market leading service provider in the country, it has demonstrated its commitment to creating value with its products and services, thus empowering millions of Nigerians in the process.

“Per second billing” was the joker. Other networks said it was impossible but Adenuga outwitted them convincingly with Glo entering the market in a grand style and offering Nigerians the elusive per second package, thus justifying its inaugural pay off line; people, power and possibilities and eventually forcing other networks to follow suit to the delight of millions of Nigerians. Its unique straplines continue to resonate with the company’s focus. From Glo with pride to Rule your World to Unlimited, each has always demonstrated the company’s determination to excel ad set the pace.

The outstanding leader of men, Adenuga has led Globacom to achieving many outstanding successes over the last 20 years. It has a record of many firsts in the Nigerian Telecommunications Industry and has remained a pacesetter in spite of rolling out its services two years after other networks have started operations. Some of the record of firsts including championing per second billing, first to implement 2.5 G network in Nigeria, first to implement 3G network in Nigeria, first to offer 4 G LTE, first to offer Blackberry solutions in Nigeria and first to launch of submarine cable (GLO 1) which provides efficient and fast broadband internet services.

Nollywood in Nigeria and Ghana’s Ghollywood) with notable actors and actresses chosen as Glo Ambassadors are major beneficiaries of Globacom. This move and many others had empowered African arts and culture. The sponsorship of several cultural festivals in its areas of operation is another aspect of its Corporate Social Responsibilities which has resonated with the people. In addition to these are countless donations and support by Dr. Adenuga in different parts of the country, thus empowering Nigerians in different areas of human endeavour.

Globacom is people-oriented and has justified this with customer-friendly product and services which its subscribers have been enjoying in the last 20 years, thus showing the network’s commitment to empowering Nigerians and giving them access to the best value and pricing.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Mike Adenuga jnr.(GCON).

You made statement through Globacom that all things are possible through determination, focus and hard work. You led the pack, setting the standard for young and upcoming Nigerians to believe in themselves and their country.
According to Andrew Carnegie , once again, ” Those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others. Help others without any reason and give without expectation of receiving anything in return”. This is Dr. Adenuga, the kind man that God used to elevate Nigerians.

Abimbola Odeyemi is a news Editor @Cottagenews

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